Substance abuse and addiction can affect each and every part of the human body. It can have an impact on vison and the eye sight even to a state of blindness. Although, damage to the eye sight caused by addiction is not something that is commonly thought of.

People are mostly aware of the danger addiction poses on body parts like the heart, liver, lungs kidney. However, it is necessary to know that addiction can cause a damaging effect even to the smallest aspect of the human body.

The eye is a very delicate part of the body and the impact of addiction on it is not a negligible one. There are some signs that shows the damage addiction is causing to the eye such as reddening of the eye, presence of large black holes on the pupils causing partial visibility just to mention a few.

There are some commonly abused drugs that have special negative impact on the health of the eye:

  • Cocaine

Cocaine is a rampant drug that is usually abused. A peculiarity of this drug is that the effect of the drug on the eye is not easily noticed. It is usually regarded as an eye anesthetic. However, there are issues such as itching of the eye, scratching and even soreness to the corneal causing severe pain, blurred visions and at the worst case, a permanent loss of sight.

  • Heroin

The effect of addiction to heroin on the eye is usually constriction and reduction in the size of the eye pupil. As a result of this, the ability of the pupils to respond to dim light would be lost. Also cases of blurred vision or permanent loss of sight can occur due to shrinking of the blood vessels that feeds the eye.

  • Amphetamine

Amphetamine which is usually regarded as a performance enhancing drug can cause redness to the eye or dilation of the eye pupils. This can lead to a reduction in visibility and an increased risk of acute-angle closure glaucoma which is dangerous eye defect that can lead to loss of eye sight.

  • Marijuana

Marijuana is known to increase the heart rate, blood pressure and the activity of the nervous system. It has the ability of reducing visual performance and decreases smooth pursuit eye movement which causes a difficulty to read, color blindness and variations in the size of the pupil.

The health of the eye is something that must not be taken with levity and to avoid damage to the eye, it is important you desist from substance abuse. x

Treatment for Substance Abuse

substance abuse treatmentYour eye health is invaluable, as is the health of the rest of your bodily systems. Achieving optimal health is not without its challenges, yet good health is a universal desire. If you are struggling with a substance abuse habit and you want to be free of it to help your physical and mental health flourish, treatment options are available to you. There is no need to try to end your substance abuse problem alone when mental health professionals are available to guide you through the process of becoming sober.
Alcohol drug rehabilitation is a common method of eliminating a substance abuse problem. This method is highly recommended because its model has been the most successful to date. Inpatient rehab programs offer a thorough detoxification from the substance in question, followed by extensive treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying causes of the substance abuse problems. This often has the option of being followed up by a sober living program for those who need time to readjust to sobriety upon reentering society.
The detoxification is the first step to treatment because counseling and behavioral exercises do no good if the toxin is still present in the person’s system. Either through the rehab facility itself or through a private detox clinic, the client will be housed and monitored until the substance has left their system. This comes with constant medical supervision and prescription medications when necessary in order to prevent unpleasant and dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Once this process is complete, counseling, workbook exercises, therapeutic activities and a number of other good mental health practices come into play. The psychological treatment received in residential rehab will help you understand what lead to your substance abuse problems and how to change your thinking to avoid them in the future.
Bringing a substance abuse problem under control is not a pleasant process and will present you with many challenges, but thanks to the advances of modern substance abuse treatment and addiction counseling, you do not need to let it control your life any longer!

Substance Abuse Destroys Eye Health

substance abuse hurts eye healthIt has long been agreed upon that substance abuse is detrimental to all the body’s systems. Overuse of drugs, alcohol or even food can lead to health conditions and toxicity within the body. We have all heard the statistics on liver damage caused by alcohol consumption and heart failure caused by a drug overdose, but seldom do we consider the effects of substance abuse on the optical organ: the eye. Eye health depends on nutrients, vitamins and medicinal substances that we ingest, so it is only logical that ingesting toxins will lead to poor eye health. Recent studies have supported this opinion.
It has been found that many prescription medications can lead to deteriorated eye health with abuse. An array of pharmaceutical pills has been connected to eye diseases such as uveal tract disease, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal abnormalities and optic nerve diseases. These health detriments can be caused by regular prescription medications when not used as prescribed. Prescription medication abuse is a phenomenon that is rapidly on the rise in North America, with a plethera of side effects and health consequences that continue to be discovered daily.
Alcohol is also a known eye irritant. Bloodshot, twitching eyes are commonly observed in people who have consumed too much alcohol, but the substance has also been found to cause cataract development, short term double vision and ocular rosacea when used too heavily. There are certain instances where a person who has consumed an extremely strong alcohol, such as moonshine, has lost their vision completely. Studies are also beginning to emerge that indicate the chemical MSG can cause vision problems in some people.
We are heavily dependent on sight as a species, and protecting our health should be prioritized. Addiction and substance abuse are a widespread phenomenon in our culture, but medical professionals are actively trying to call awareness to the health problems it can create. For better eye and bodily health, quit substance abuse and return to a diet of nutirtional and medicinal substances.

How Substance Abuse Affects Eye Health

It is a well known fact that substance abuse is destructive to the body. There is not one system or organ that is unaffected by the abuse of drugs, alcohol, food or any other substance that alters the body’s chemistry. There is a lot known about the damage that alcohol does to the liver, or the damage that a drug overdose can do to the heart. One organ that is seldom discussed in the light of substance abuse is the human eye. Studies are beginning to indicate that, like every other organ, the eye’s health is indeed affected by the abuse of substances to a measurable extent.

eye health and substance abuse

One of the substances that damage’s the eye’s health the most when abused is prescription medications. One of the most commonly abused substances, prescription medications have been found to cause disease in the eyes when abused, ranging from cataracts, uveal tract disease, glaucoma and other optic nerve diseases. Prescription medication abuse is on the rise and can be lethal in some instances.
Another substance that has been found to be damaging to the eye is alcohol. Most adults are aware that drinking too much leads to inflamed, irritated eyes in the day or two that follow, but the effects of long term alcohol abuse are less well known. Cataract development has been observed due to extended alcohol abuse, as well as ocular rosacea and double vision. Some alcoholic beverages that contain an extremely high alcohol content have caused temporary and permanent blindness in people. There are certain chemicals, additives and preservatives in food that have been found to cause eye disease as well.
Substance abuse is a common health problem in North America and relatively easy to fall into. Between food, alcohol and drugs, there are a number of substances that have the potential to be abused. Because eye sight is so essential to our day to day activities, it should be a priority to understand what substances, chemicals and activities can jeopardize it in order to act accordingly and receive substance abuse treatment when necessary.

Eye Health

the health of the eyeEye health is commonly something people do not notice until it is gone. We are reliant on the health of our eyes everyday, yet very few people think about how to keep their eyes healthy. A vast majority of animal species, including humans, have very intricate eyes that relay an incredible amount of information to the brain, as well as detect light and dark. This complex organ needs proper care in order to sustain its health and function.

Monitoring your intake as far as food or any other substance is concerned is vital to your eye health. What you ingest will most certainly effect the way your eyes function, feel and perform. Smoking is particularly hard on the eye’s health and has been connected to a number of eye diseases that lead to blindness. Thinking about your diet is critical for eye health, and eye doctors highly recommend avoiding substance abuse of every kind and increasing the intake of dark leafy greens in your diet for proper vitamins and nutrients. This also helps manage weight, which is important because diseases tied to obesity have been known to lead to blindness.

It is also important and somewhat obvious to protect your eyes from the elements and from hazards. If your job requires you to wear protective eye wear, or if you engage in hobbies such as woodworking that call for protective eye wear, take protecting your eyes seriously. If you are going to be exposed to bright sunlight, always bring your sunglasses with you to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV. You should even be aware of preventing eye strain, meaning if you are required to focus your eyes on one thing for an extended amount of time (particularly a screen), do not forget to look away, give your eyes breaks and be continuously resting your eyes from their labor. Unlike muscles, eyes will be effected from overuse injuries in the form of headaches, blurriness and tiredness.

Canadians have access to some of the finest eye doctors in the world and some of the most advanced eye surgeries and procedures available to correct vision. Whether you are located in Toronto, Edmonton or Kelowna laser eye surgery and other optical medical treatments are available.

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